Nov 2009: PhD  in "Diversity of Life" (UPMC/Centre National de Recherche Scientific - CNRS, France).
July 2006: MSc in “Biology and Ecology of the Marine Littoral” (University of Évora, Portugal).
Jun 2003 (five years course): Bc. in Marine Biology (FCUL, Portugal).

Oct 2010 – Jun 2013: Post-doctoral fellow at Storz Lab (University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA) involved in several projects of high altitude adaptation in haemoglobin function (from mammals to birds) with Dr. Jay F. Storz as advisor.
·         Jan 2011 to Mar 2013: visiting researcher (10 months) at Zoophysiology group, Aarhus University (Denmark).
Nov 2006 – Nov 2009: Researcher (PhD candidate) at Station Biologique de Roscoff (CNRS/UPMC, France) in the ABICE research group, under the supervision of Dr. Stéphane Hourdez. 
Nov 2005 – Jun 2006: visiting Master student at University of Regensburg (Germany) in the group of Evolution, Behaviour and Genetics, with Dr. Christoph Schubart as advisor. 
Mar 2004 – May 2005: Project technician in the Eco-Ethology department of Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada (ISPA, Portugal). 
Sept 2004 – Oct 2004: Member of the environmental impact study “Studies for the Thermoelectric Plant of Sines – Marine Biology component”, with the responsibility of the marine macro-invertebrate characterization. SCUBA diving required.
Sept 2002 – Sept 2003: Undergraduate research internship at ISPA/FCUL (Portugal). 
Projecto-Garcia J, Jollivet D and Hourdez S. (2014) “Selective forces acting during globin evolution in annelid lineages from extreme environments”. Oral presentation at the SEB 2014 (Manchester, UK);
Projecto-Garcia J, et al. (2012) “Parallel evolution of hemoglobin function in Andean hummingbirds.” Oral presentation at the O2BiP 2012 (Parma, Italy);
Projecto-Garcia J, et al. (2011) “Mechanisms of hemoglobin adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia in Andean hummingbirds.” Oral presentation at the SEB 2011 (Glasgow, UK);
Projecto-Garcia J, et al. (2010) “Origin and evolution of the unique tetra-domain hemoglobin from the hydrothermal vent scale worm Branchipolynoe (Polynoidae).” Poster presentation at the SMBE 2010 (Lyon, France);
Projecto-Garcia J, Hourdez S (2009) “Globin evolution in hydrothermal vent scale worms (Polynoidae).” Oral presentation at the 4th CEB (Okinawa, Japan);

Dr. Angela Fago (Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark)
Dr. Chandrasekhar Nataranjan (Storz Lab, University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA)
Dr. Christopher C. Witt (Witt Lab, University of New Mexico, USA), 
Dr. Danielle M. Tufts (Manter Laboratory of Parasitology, University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA) 
Dr. Didier Jollivet (ABICE, Station Biologique de Roscoff, France)
Dr. Federico G. Hoffmann (BMBEPP, Mississippi State University, USA)
Prof. Jay F. Storz (Storz Lab, University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA)
Prof. Roy E. Weber (Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark)
Dr. Stéphane Hourdez (ABICE, Station Biologique de Roscoff, France)
Dr. Stephen W. Schaeffer (Department of Biology, Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Dr. Zachary A. Cheviron (Cheviron Lab, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA).

Portuguese (native speaker), English (Excellent), French (Excellent), Spanish (good oral and basic writing skills), Italian (good reading skills), German (basic skills).